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How CommonLit Saves 22 Days of Engineering Resources a Year with
How Gallus Golf uses’s platform integrations to centralize siloed data and save over 100 engineering hours a month. provides reliable data, leading to process efficiencies for team leaders and analysts. Improving data quality with an innate ability to source data from anywhere.
Large online retailer, Grofers solved growth pains & saved 480+ engineering hours per month as their business rapidly scaled. allows bexio to improve their data insights and facilitate their continued company growth by integrating their data into Salesforce and improving internal data integration. saved Brunner time and money by allowing Brunner to get the vital data necessary to accurately analyze what is working (and what isn't) for its clients.
Buckner Companies connected financial and operational sources to avoid data silos and increase transparency and insights. provided Feedvisor with an efficient, scalable way to integrate their customers’ data and gain powerful insights.
Fiverr | Data processing became accessible and manageable for all relevant employees, without the need to learn specialty skills.
Read how India Hicks increased their bandwidth and improved their long-term strategies with automated data integration.
Comprehensive integrations allow Penneo to grow the BI side of their company and better understand their billing information.
User-friendly integrations allow marketing agency to transform, organize and analyze their customer data. can transform their data without engineering resources, allowing their entire team to be more productive and efficient.
Catalina Labs used’s superior automation, technology and support to transform their data and give their team more internal bandwidth.
Work4 saves valuable time and money by using, allowing the company to focus on product development.
Automating the ETL process greatly reduced the time investment needed and eliminated human errors, making data more reliable.
Because data processing has been simplified, MyJobMatcher can analyze data frequently to make near-real-time decisions.
Eliminated lagging query performance issues and provided real-time data analytics. enabled Medialets to quickly and easily move data across multiple data centers on the cloud.
Adpeak | Data processing became accessible and manageable for all relevant employees, without the need to learn specialty skills.
What OurCustomers Say...
  • Ensure Data Quality
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    "The Platform is a great ETL & Data Transformation Solution! Connecting Salesforce, Hubspot, Google Analytics, Facebook Ads, etc... has never been easier."
    Meir Gold
    Analytics Manager, Growth
  • Ensure Data Quality
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    Awesome ELT Tool
    No code tool, easy to set up/use, nice schedules, price balance!
    Business Intelligence Architect
  • Ensure Data Quality
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    Best Customer Service Ever!
    They have been the best customer service team I have ever worked with from an outside vendor. Always very responsive, and go above and beyond to resolve issues or instruct on the product.
    Matthew Pratt
    Analytics Manager

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